Since 1934 Hissom Interdenominational Mission (HIM)has helped the poor and the needy who come knocking on our door. We do this by ministering to the basic needs of the downtrodden, i.e. food, clothing and shelter, and by extending to them a helping hand, words of encouragement, and by sharing our love.
When it comes to hunger and good nutrition, the need is greater than ever before. One of the most disturbing and extraordinary aspects of life in this very wealthy country is the persistence of hunger. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that in 2017:35.5 million people lived in households considered to be food insecure. Of these 35.5 million, 22.9 million are adults (10.4 percent of all adults) and 12.6 million are children (17.2 percent of all children).
At HIM, every week of the year, through our distribution programs, we give quality nutritional food to hundreds of hungry people. In 2018 we distributed 500,000 lbs. of food and supplies. And, yet it wasn’t enough, including thousands of meals served to the homeless. We have over 4,500 people on our active food distribution list, over 1,500 of them children. And, still there are more we could help. No child should go to bed hungry in America. No child or adult should be without a home.
The Hissom Mission is wholly supported by donations from individuals like you. We do not receive local or federal government financial assistance, nor do we receive any help from any denominational affiliation. This "people's mission" depends on the people for support. All the money you donate to HIM is used to help the needy.
Our Ministries are numerous but all stem from several programs:
We exist solely to help people. There are no fees, dues, or charges for any of our services. The Mission exists exclusively by donations from supporters.